
What is CDN and why you need one?Blog

What is CDN and why you need one?


BY Admin / ON May 10, 2023

What is CDN and why you need one?

In today’s digital age, where we rely heavily on the internet for various activities, you might have come across the term “CDN” before. But what exactly is a CDN, and why is it important? Well, let’s break it down in simple terms.

Imagine you’re trying to access a website from your computer or smartphone. When you type in the website’s address and hit enter, your request travels through a series of networks, possibly spanning continents, to reach the server where that website is hosted. The server processes your request and sends back the website’s content to be displayed on your screen.

Here’s where a CDN, or Content Delivery Network, comes into play. Think of a CDN as a network of strategically placed servers located in different parts of the world. These servers are designed to store and deliver web content, like images, videos, stylesheets, and more. Instead of your request having to travel all the way to the main server where the website is hosted, a CDN server closer to your location can step in and provide you with the requested content.

Why is this important? Well, imagine you’re trying to watch a video or load a large image from a website. If the main server is located far away from you, it might take a while for the content to reach you, resulting in slower loading times. This is where a CDN shines. By having servers scattered around the globe, a CDN reduces the distance between you and the content you’re trying to access. This can lead to much faster load times and a smoother browsing experience.

Not only does a CDN speed up content delivery, but it also helps websites handle heavy traffic. Imagine a popular online store during a big sale event. Lots of people are trying to access the site simultaneously. Without a CDN, the main server could get overwhelmed, causing the website to slow down or even crash. CDNs distribute the load among their servers, ensuring that the website remains accessible and responsive even during traffic spikes.

In a nutshell, a CDN is like having multiple copies of your favourite book stored in libraries across different cities. When you want to read it, you can simply go to the nearest library and grab a copy instead of travelling to the original book’s location. CDNs make the internet faster, more reliable, and help websites handle the challenges of a global online audience.

Over at Lumistellar we ensure that all websites are served through CDN to ensure optimal performance for our users.

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